Merton Music Foundation is an Equal Opportunities employer. We value diversity and believe that representation matters. MMF actively seeks to diversify the workforce at all levels of the organisation. You can help us in this ambition by completing our Applicant Self-Identification Form. The anonymous data you provide will allow us to improve diversity and monitor our inclusive recruitment practices. If you prefer not to disclose an aspect of your identity, then please select that option when answering questions. We would encourage you to share as much information as you are comfortable to; the clearer a picture we can build of the applicants we are reaching, the more we can do to address any areas of under-representation. How We Handle Your Data All the information we collect is processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and any other applicable data protection legislation in the UK. Responses to the Self-identification form are anonymous, separated from the Application Form and processed by a member of staff not involved in the shortlisting or interviewing process. Your data will be stored securely and anonymously with access strictly limited for the purposes outlined above.