The information below is for Merton school staff. This is sometimes handled by the music coordinator or office staff depending on individual schools.
My school has a pupil who would like to learn an instrument in school, what do I do?
If your school currently has Merton Music Foundation lessons then please call our office or send us an email and we will be in touch.
If you don’t currently offer lessons we generally need to have at least 3 pupils wanting to learn to make the tutor visits viable. It is worth sending out a note to parents explaining that there is interest in establishing piano (or any other instrument) lessons at your school. This can sometimes generate enough interest for other parents to make the lessons feasible.
Does my school handle payment?
No. Parents register with us and then pay online. The school will not need to get involved.
When are lessons held?
Our tutors contact your school office to organise a mutually convenient time. It can be timetabled before school, during break/lunchtime or during lessons depending on tutor availability.
How do we pass on messages from the parent about the tutor?
We encourage parents and tutors to communicate via the practice diary. If parents have any concerns please ask them to contact us directly either by phone or email.
What happens if the school is having a ‘special day’/school trip/spelling test?
Our tutors are unable to rearrange their timetables. If the school is closed and the tutor is given advance notice they are usually able to come in an additional date. If the child is unable to attend a lesson because of class commitments the lesson is still charged to the parent.
What happens if MMF cannot find a tutor for one of our pupils?
We may be able to arrange lessons for your pupil at our Music Centre at Harris Academy in Morden. Please ask the parent to contact us directly.